Competitive SEO is implemented when a business owner is serious about dominating online in that industry. It is an aggressive SEO campaign that Digital Profits UP utilizes to get extensive on-page optimization and diverse off-page link building activities. Competitive SEO packages include a highly diverse month-on-month off-page submissions and outreach including video creation, PDF submissions, and more.


We will compare the current performance of your website to that of your competitors’, and it is an essential part of developing the most effective web presence possible for your business.

We will also find out how your website ranks for important keyword phrases in comparison to other sites in your market sector which will give you a clear picture of where your site stands and also reveal what weak points need to be addressed in terms of optimization.

Our goal here at Digital Profits UP is to create a strategic plan to enhance your website’s ranking above those of your competitors for the most highly valued keywords in your industry. Our system is designed to get you ahead of the competition in terms of acquiring market share in the shortest time possible.


There are literally billions of web pages in existence today on the world wide web and new web pages are added every minute. In terms of competitive analysis, however, the only pages that matter are your own and those of your competitors within your specific industry. Your #1 main concern regarding the improvement of your website’s position is how it compares to your direct competitors. Why? It’s simply because you are competing for the same customers. Our competition analysis will provide you with a thorough review of the SEO techniques used by your competitors and develop a list of recommended solutions to overtake your competitors in terms of search engine visibility so you can dominate your industry and increase your bottom line.

Contact us today and let the experts at Digital Profits UP help you with your online presence. Be found online by your customers. The future of your business depends on it. Call us today 877-211-5557.